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Sample of Software Screens - Viewing a Process

What is it ?
ANGKOR ® is a structured and integrated methodology that has been developed specifically for modelling, mapping  and managing the Business Processes.

This methodology is also enabled with the use of the ANGKOR ® software.

Your efforts simplified, and your costs reduced
Because of the interactive and intuitive walk-through approach of ANGKOR ®, and its diagrams that are generated in a fully automated mode, you will spend much less time and effort in modelling and managing your processes.

Your process data, clearly and easily accessible
Because ANGKOR ® approach for modelling processes is standardized, you will be able to trace and retrieve the information you are looking for easily and with no delay. And its search functions, so simple to use, will take you right to the point.

Reliable, coherent and error-free information
ANGKOR ® is much more than a graphical tool. Your processes are saved in a database, ensuring complete data integrity as you are entering information.

Therefore, the risks of errors and lack of coherence are significantly reduced, if not eliminated.

Preparing task descriptions? Nothing is more simple: it is done automatically!
ANGKOR ® software allows to automatically gather the task descriptions of your organization, from the information entered in the different processes. Not a single operation is required from you.

Always the right version, or the right revision of a process...
ANGKOR ® software allows to manage the versions and the revisions of your processes. Therefore, you maintain a tight control on the changes, and only the most up-to-date information will be accessible. You can also archive obsolete data, but it can still be accessed, should it be required for traceability purposes.

A profitable investment!
With its Data Entry module and the Viewer module, sold at a very advantageous price, ANGKOR ® solution represents a largely profitable investment.

With the increased productivity that you will enjoy with ANGKOR ®, the Return On your Investment (ROI) will be significant! And your investment will most likely be repaid within the very first year.

ANGKOR ® is a registered Trade Mark of Manavue Inc..
© Manavue Inc. - All rights reserved